UI design & develope

You may find here some on-going projects and some
projects I have done in the past 8 years. New UX
designs for desktop, for mobile and even a fun game
design I am working on. (Who said UX unicorn?! 😉)


I started to create web pages back in 2000, at school. I can't say it was good designing, and I knew nothing about the user's needs, I just played with tags and was excited to create something that wasn't there before. In 2006 I started my studies for a diploma in interactive communication at Sapir College, where I learned to design and build from scratch websites. Unfortunately my focus was on Flash websites, and I can't show you my old projects. What I can do is show you some fun projects I started in the past few months (after hours), that combine both sides of web creation.

rings product page

This web page was my first experience (for practice) with native JavaScript 3D animation. It was a good opportunity to try Neumorphism UI design. Although it's not fully supported in mobile (at the moment), it still have a WOW effect.

3D PRP Animation
Anna galperin - My Life My Art

Mobile first web

This work in progress is done for my beautiful friend and human, Anna Galperin. Together we are finding a way to show Anna's many talents. Although not all the materials are there at the moment, you can see the structure of the home page of Anna's site.


Working as part of a big company means to collaborate with other designers and other developers. The challenge is to execute a cohesive product while collaborating with different departments. Big and complex sites, usualy have a sets of rules and behaviores, in order to create continuite between different pages on the site. Wich usualy make it easer for developers. While one company uses "masterpages" (taht I had to ajusted and edite as needed), the other used JavaScript and css master files to set the rules of a single page. It gets interesting when a page has a unique design that bypass the constants global rules.


This is a fun example where I had to push the boundaries set by those constants global rules, in order to be loyal to the design of this unique page, that was designed by my colleague.

3D PRP Animation


I've been designing web sites and landing pages for over 10 years. You may find here some new designs and old ones. In the last year I started to work with Adobe XD, that made this process simpler. Whenever I get a new brief, I gather all the client's insights and the information they can share. Then with an understanding of the visitor persona, I browse the web for similar websites, trying to understand the market. I would show around 3 options to the client and then refine the chosen option.


Bilingual web site for gallery owners. Main goal was to expose the artists art works.


A website that offers recipes based on the ingredients people have at home. For 30+ years old bachelors.


Online store for a local Irish store, that offers modern designs at affordable prices. For 50 years old well payed women.

** UX course Assignment.

fridge Food

Mobile App design

When I worked at "Sniper Marketing", back at 2013, I studyed about mobile design, and designed my first app. Since then I created over the years over 800 responcive adaptetions both designed and developed. Keeping the gide lines for "My Ofer" brand back in 2013, considering the developer needs, I designed this mobile app for the Grand Canyon Haifa mall.